Friday, January 8, 2010

Follow the Fish

This is the first entry of what will be a series on the fishing industry and how it affects your choices and decisions as a consumer. I plan to address the individual heath, ecological, and economic issues related to farm raised and wild caught fish in the context of the species we usually carry. To kick off this discussion I want to introduce the company from which we source most of our product, which does an excellent job of setting industry standards for sustainable, delicious fish.

CleanFish is a company based in San Francisco that works exclusively with small scale aquaculture operations developing and implementing best practices to insure the continued health of the fishing industry. Top Bay Area restaurants - Foreign Cinema, Slanted Door, The French Laundry, Gary Danko, etc. - also source their seafood from CleanFish because of its high quality and sustainability.

At Avedano's we believe aquaculture - or farmed fish - is key to the continued survival of many fish species. With CleanFish we are confident that our product is great for the consumer and also for fish populations. But I readily admit the decision to buy farm-raised vs. wild caught fish is a complicated one. I hear daily from our customers that this is a concern for you, so I want to take a closer look at this issue over the next few posts. If you have questions that you want addressed specifically feel free to leave a comment and I will look into it.